White Industries SINGLEspeed Freewheels, ss
Really good, very strong, rebuildable, and MUSA. White Industries has been making these since 2002.
The ultimate ss choice for your Roaduno and Quickbeam.
Note: All freewheels can use either 3/32” or ⅛” chains except 16T single and all DOS freewheels
- Threads: 1.375” x 24TPI
- ENO single and DOS ENO double freewheels have 3 pawls and 36 points of engagement
- Trials freewheels have 6 pawls and 72 points of engagement
Lockring colors:
- Blue: 16T single, 16/18 DOS and 16/19 DOS
- Red: 17T-22T single
- Green: Trials 18T, 20T, 22T
Freewheel measurements for chainline calculations:
- All freewheels are 18.4mm wide
- On ENO single freewheels (standard and Trials) center of teeth are 9mm from the inner base of the threads
Check out our gear inch calculator if you want to fine tune your gearing.